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Boek ‘Durf te leven’



This book contains a special collection of photos of people of nursing homes Vitalis Engelsbergen, Genderstate and De Hagen in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
In ‘ Dare to Live ‘ residents of Residential Care Vitalis Engelsbergen are being portrayed. Here we can see the residents in the prime of their (older) life. We have been searching for the limits of their wishes. The question we posed to them was : “What would you still like to do in your life, what you cannot or dare to accomplish yourself? This resulted in a wonderful series of photos. A selection of the best photos of ‘ Dare to Live ‘ can be found in this book .
Photographer Michelle Peeters, cultural employee Jolanda Kennis, volunteer arts management Hans Segers and arts and culture coordinator Wendy van Zon went to talk with ten residents. They went in search of their deepest wishes and desires . This was not always easy . The first response was often : “I have nothing left to wish for .” Sometimes we had to ask a bit further and dig a little deeper to pull out hidden wishes and desires . But fortunately all turned out to have wishes. We were not satisfied until we saw a twinkle in the eyes of the residents in expressing the wish. That was our yardstick !